Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summer's commin'

How to begin?? Well, it has been a while...Summer is only half a semester away!  Lets get going.

A few days ago I found myself once again on the side of the road with a flat tire.  Just my luck.  The last flat tire I had was right after I got dumped 8 months ago.  Instead of getting all worked up about this, I took it as a good omen.  Maybe just maybe something good will come out of it this time!  Already got the tire fixed for free which is a start!

I hope all of you are enjoying the weather. NOT.  It's been awful down in Missouri.  There wasn't even a chance of snow today, but I somehow walked out into the middle of a ten minute blizzard. The thought of summer has never looked so good.

While we are on the topic of Summer....ohmygosh.  I don't think I've ever been so excited.  There are so many great things to look forward to!  Definitely going to spend some much needed time with very close friends.  It looks like another great DCI season too!  I'm turning 21...which is kind of a big deal...I guess.  If you haven't noticed, some really big movies are coming out in May.  Probably the best start to this season.  Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, and Star Trek.  Whooo!

Now that is a poster.
Sorry I didn't have much to say.  I hope you have something to look forward to this Summer as much as I do.  It's about the only think that is getting me through this semester. 

Cheers to the future!

- Dev!n