Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life update

Where to start?  I feel like a completely different person since my last post.  

The house I called home for the last year is now gone.  Moved in as a junior and out two days ago as a senior.  I have to keep resisting the urge to drive there and walk in the front door.  Aside from moving into a dorm, this was the hardest move for me.  I knew every crack in that place.  It's hard to leave something like that behind, but let's hope it's for the better!  Made some good memories and that's what counts.  The new place is much smaller. Yay roomie bonding!  I'll be living with the same three guys until it's all over. 

All the changes lately have gotten me reminiscing about the past and thinking about what the future holds for Devin.  I've been really blessed in life and have always had the things I need.  Lately that hasn't been enough to satisfy me.  I fall asleep at night feeling like an unfinished puzzle. Pieces are missing and I don't know where to look.  My best friend left the area and I am 100% single.  There are always people around...many are great friends, but I still feel lonely.  Having a person to confide in that isn't related to you is kind of nice every so often.  So, without beating around the bush a whole lot, I think I miss having a girlfriend.  I miss hugging someone that understands you and loves you for you.  I miss being so happy that I didn't care what anyone thought. I miss going through rough patches and becoming closer because of it.  Deep. So that's been on my mind lately.  All hope isn't lost.  I met a really awesome/beautiful girl a couple months ago but I'm not sure how that's going. Guess I should ask.  She said she likes The Lord of the Rings so maybe I have a chance ..hah.  I just feel like a cripple no one wants anything to do with. It's hard to be confident when you feel like your going to get shot down eventually.  Wish me luck!  I'll probably need it.

Summer 2014 is here. Hopefully I'll have more time to write now. 

Peace out Girl Scouts.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Roast Mutton

HI!  ....sorry too much energy.  I'll try to keep it under control.

I'm literally laying on my bed in my Lord of the Rings themed room right now.  The newest addition today was THE Gandalf poster.  (Gandalf the White to be specific.  Wouldn't want to leave you guessing.)  I seriously have a special light on it and everything....well it's actually rope lights, but whatever.  College kid ya know.  Moving on.  Definitely listening to The Hobbit score while I write this.  Hopefully I can get done by the time the music ends.  I'll keep you updated on the song currently playing. Right now "My Dear Frodo" is in progress.  It has some really freaky low sounds in it.  Lets hope its not coming from the house.

Well that is entirely enough Middle Earth themed talk for one day.  There have been a large number of things on my mind lately so hopefully I can pin a few down on this page before they get away.  HOLY POOP a really loud noise just came from my closet.  Not going in there for a few days.

Cue "An Unexpected Party" ...sure hope I don't get any surprises tonight. Especially from my now forbidden closet.

Anyway, I am a couple weeks from a pretty big milestone, somewhat depressing, but a milestone all the same.  It's been nearly a year of the single life for me.  Definitely a different change of pace.  I haven't been single this long since I joined the dating scene.  Middle school?  Yeah don't remember that.  Don't get me wrong though, I'm totally not complaining.  This last year has been like going to bed after a really hard day at work.  The break was needed.  I've finally had some time to decide what I want out of life, to decide who I want to be.

Cue "Misty Mountains"  If you don't remember, this is the song where all the dwarves are singing three octaves lower than a pack of elephants.

Now that I have a grasp on who I am, I hope I can find someone else that likes the me I want to be.  I am a little scared to get into it all again, but hopefully its a pretty smooth road ahead.  Having someone to lean on and trust when you are weak is such an amazing thing.  Wish me luck!

Another big event coming up is my 21st birthday.  Of course its on a Tuesday.  Do I just take the entire week off of work? Decisions...  It isn't like I have any money to spend on booze anyway.  Again, broke college kid here.  Maybe I'll just go to theater by myself, buy a beer, and watch the new Wolverine movie or something.  Sounds good.

Summer is flying by fast.  Don't forget to slow down and enjoy a day or two.  Personally, I'm trying to go fishing as much as possible and lay under the stars whenever they are out.  I hope you all are having a great summer as well!

I'm leaving you as "Roast Mutton" is playing.  Umm weird.  I promise I won't cook your pony over an open flame.  Sorry, got weirder.



Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Candy Shoppe Part 1

It's been a while...a really long while.  I feel like a seven year old in a candy shop with no idea what colorful explosion of flavor I want to sample first.  So, in the likeness of the 'candy shop' theme I've pulled out of thin air, I'm going to start writing as if I was shopping for candy.  The first thing I come to is the first thing I will write about.  I promise.  Candy shop promise.  (Yeah that's a real thing now. Special handshake coming soon.)

I'm literally just coming down off a sugar high of orange Sunkist and Dr. Pepper.  My burps taste like at least 15 of Dr. Pepper's 23 flavors.  At least.  Normally I would feel pretty down at this time of night...all the deep thoughts and such...but my positive lifestyle is starting to take over rather effectively.  Not much gets me down anymore and I'm really starting to enjoy that.  It's not that I blow things off or ignore them, I just accept every situation for what it is rather than try to change it.

These last few months have been a blast.  Things are definitely headed in the right direction.  (Not that I really know.  I'm just assuming.  Having confidence about it is a good thing too...I hope.  Anywho...)  My life has been blessed with a plethora of positive opportunities lately.  Hopefully I'll get to share a little more on that topic in a follow-up post sometime soon, but right now I am gonna stick to my candy shop promise.

The first candy you try isn't always the best.  Same thing goes for thoughts in your head.  Some leave a sour taste in your mouth and others are bittersweet.  Recently I've been tasting a lot of that bittersweet.  For me, it is a sign of learning.  Usually an important life lesson will come out of it.  Recently I've had to overcome one of the greatest challenges I've ever faced.  On and off for years I crushed on someone.  (Candy crushed? Just kidding.)  It's always been an intense feeling.  Definitely not a crush based on only physical attraction. I've never been around anyone that has made me feel as carefree and alive.  As great as that was, I've known in the back of my mind for quite some time that it really needed to end. It just wasn't going to happen between us two.  Feelings don't always flow both directions.  Real life and imagination don't meet up all the time.  I'm amazed it took me so long to sort it all out.  Usually I know when to give up, but this piece of candy was everlasting.  Unique.  Relentless.  Tidal waves of emotion at each layer.  How do you spit out and discard something that makes you feel so boundless?

It wasn't easy but here I am on the other side, alive and well.  Man that was a good piece of candy.  I enjoyed the places it took me, and the things it made me feel.  I look back with fond memories and also understand that there will not be another quite like it.  Moving forward, I hope to find a new flavor.  Something just as unique and delicate.  A flavor that could last a lifetime and make me feel larger than life.  Infinite.

I hope that one day you too can find your piece of candy.  Cherish the steps it takes to get there.  Don't forget where you've been.  Remember the flavors you liked most and use them as a road map through the candy shop.  I sincerely believe we all have a perfect match out there somewhere.  It's up to us to find it.

With love,


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summer's commin'

How to begin?? Well, it has been a while...Summer is only half a semester away!  Lets get going.

A few days ago I found myself once again on the side of the road with a flat tire.  Just my luck.  The last flat tire I had was right after I got dumped 8 months ago.  Instead of getting all worked up about this, I took it as a good omen.  Maybe just maybe something good will come out of it this time!  Already got the tire fixed for free which is a start!

I hope all of you are enjoying the weather. NOT.  It's been awful down in Missouri.  There wasn't even a chance of snow today, but I somehow walked out into the middle of a ten minute blizzard. The thought of summer has never looked so good.

While we are on the topic of Summer....ohmygosh.  I don't think I've ever been so excited.  There are so many great things to look forward to!  Definitely going to spend some much needed time with very close friends.  It looks like another great DCI season too!  I'm turning 21...which is kind of a big deal...I guess.  If you haven't noticed, some really big movies are coming out in May.  Probably the best start to this season.  Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, and Star Trek.  Whooo!

Now that is a poster.
Sorry I didn't have much to say.  I hope you have something to look forward to this Summer as much as I do.  It's about the only think that is getting me through this semester. 

Cheers to the future!

- Dev!n

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it February.

Snowmygod! Snowmaggedon has begun! Queue the snowpocolypse...

Sorry about that...just have a little something on my mind.  OH YEAH!  I'm leaving school in the middle of the week!  Trying to avoid getting buried under two feet of snow. Well that's not the only reason.  I'm also leaving because I need to see a chiropractor before I start getting really cranky.  Sometimes I turn green when I get angry...just ask...people. 

After I get my back all fixed up and a belly full of Chinese food, it'll be time to be a kid again.  Can't wait to go sledding and all that jazz.  It's gonna be a great four day weekend!  Hopefully I'll get to resurrect my old childhood fort.  We are talking tunnels, walls, windows, towers, and a Keurig here.  Go big or go home.

 Best of luck to you all in the great snow storm "Nemo"!  Can you believe they name them now?  Pretty soon they will start naming tornadoes too.  "Here comes Laquisha!  She is a strong independent tornado that ain't never stopped for no house."  Hah...whatever.  Sorry for that waste of words.

Be safe everyone!



Saturday, February 16, 2013

Roses are red...and expensive

Hmmm...just one of those lazy days.  Time for a new blog!

Who had a test on Valentine's day night?  THIS KID!  That's about how great my week was.  It's not like I had a date on Thursday or anything.  For real though, I didn't.  First time in a long time.  Instead I took myself out to McDonalds for a shamrock shake. 

Then I went to the animal shelter and ended up playing with puppies for a couple hours.  There is nothing in the world like laying in the grass while three or four puppies jump on you.  I thought that was going to be the high point of my week, but it wasn't!  (There is a bird running laps on my porch right now. No joke.) On Friday I spent the night at a movie with some awesome friends and got a letter from my best friend in the world. 

After all that I can't even try to be grumpy.  The people in my life are the best.  I'm so happy to have their support and friendship. 

Welp that was short and sweet!  Time to do some laundry...yay.

Enjoy your next week!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Down the Road

It took me quite a while to gather some thoughts for this next post.  Hopefully you reading these words will be as meaningful as me writing them.

I woke up this morning to the golden sounds of Matchbox Twenty.  My morning schedule resumed like usual...despite the fact it was already noon.  Facebook...shower...snapchat...facebook...twitter.  I think you get the idea.  Let me just say that my twitter feed is an absolute casserole of nonsense.  Still can't figure out why I follow some people.  (By the way...Thousand Foot Crutch followed me the other big deal.)  Anyway, I saw that Matchbox Twenty is going to be playing pre-game for the Super Bowl XLVII.  HOW DID I MISS THAT?

A little picture to help out your imagination.
Later on I listened to a song that just fit my mood.  Its called "Down the Road" by Kenny Chesney.  That song always puts me in a great mood.  It also makes me realize that there is always something 'down the road'.  Go figure.  You don't always know what that something is gonna be, but you can be damn sure its will be there.  Sometimes things are obstacles...and sometimes they are joy and happiness.  Kind of reminds me of Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing.  You can go down the road at any speed you like...hell you can even go backward!  But not without consequences. At some point you will have the option to get some kind of 'power up'.  In a perfect world everyone would get the same opportunities.  How far we go is determined by how we utilize them.  Do we choose to only use our abilities to help our self?  Or do we focus only on taking opponents down?  You and I are faced with these decisions every day.  Should I go home after work to make myself happy, stop by the animal shelter and literally be the best part of those animals days, or bring everyone else down because I had a bad day at work?

I think we too often pick the negative options.  To a certain extent, negativity is an easy emotion.  You don't have to work hard to feel negative.  For me, being negative may have been easy, but it was not satisfying in any way. 

Lets all focus a little bit more on our choices.  We will all move down that road of life together.  The good experiences we have should always out-weight the bad.  Its up to us to make that happen.  Help a struggling friend or neighbor out!  Take care of yourself, but be sure no one else is falling behind.  We can't all come in first place, but we sure can finish together.

That's all I have time for today...its football time!

Be good, be happy, be love.

- Dev!n